Friday, August 14, 2009

About Myself

My photographies in Melbourne Australia.

Hello I'm Draeanne,

I'm 14 years old and I'm studying at Overseas Family school.

I was born in the Philippines and brought up there.

When I was 7 or 8 years old i lived in Hongkong for almost

2 years and moved to Australia and

moved to singapore.

I learned english here in singapore at OFS.

I love to dance, sing, act and i also love sports. I like to read non-fiction and any

other kind of books as long as they are interesting.

My favourite t.v. channels are Discovery channel, History Channel and National


I'm an outdoor person and I love nature. My favourite place here in singapore is Botanical
Garden because as I said i love nature and I love photography so I take a lot of

pictures of flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Draeanne,
    It was lovely to read your blog. You have lived in a few interesting places.
    I am also really interested in nature and love to take photos of the flowers and creatures in Singapore.
    Please try to remember to use capitals for I and for the names of cities.
    Keep up the good work!! :)
