Saturday, August 22, 2009

Reading Journal


The authors of this book are P.C CAST and KRISIN CAST. This book and the series are bestselling in New York, the authors are also bestselling authors. This book (Hunted) is the 5th book, the other books are Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, and Untaimed, the latest book is coming in October it is called "TEMPTED".

The series is published in New York March 2009 and the rating is 5 and it is high. The series is called "The House Of Night Novel".

I have read all the books of the House of Night series.

The series or books is about a human girl who was tracked by a vampire and they turn her into one of them.

When she knows that she is the special one in the house of night (school for vampires) or as I may say she is the chosen one among the vampires or fledgelings (young vampires or turning into vampires). It is up to her to save the world.

I recommend the people to read this series because it is a really good series and if you read the first chapter it will grab your attention and you would not want to drop the book. The series is fictional,sci fi, and mystery.


  1. Draeanne,
    This entry is VERY well written I am happy with your entry. I might even try reading the books.
    One question though... you wrote
    " I read all the book of the house of night novel"
    maybe you should have written;
    I have read all the books of the House of Night series.
    Well done!!
    Mrs Farrer

  2. oh sorry about that Ms. Farrer..:D

  3. Draeanne!
    I can't help reading this book series quickly!
    1 Question : Can I find this book from OFS Highschool library?

    Anyway, Well done =)
    You write really well

  4. umm.. I don't know if they have it lol.. and thank you btw..:P
