Friday, October 16, 2009


Twilight is a best selling in New York. The author of this book is Stephenie Myer. It was published in 2005, New York. The genre of this book is a mixture of romance, fantasy and action. For this book my rating would be a 5 because it is very interesting and it is one of my favorites it has its own originality and somehow, the characters in the book are quite the same in the real world, excluding the vampires and half man half wolf.

The two vocabularies are "Sauntered" which means " a leisurely walk or stroll", the second word is "woozy" which means " dizzy".

Twilight is about a girl named Bella who met this man named Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen is known as the hottest guy in there school and his family is the most gorgeous people in town. What she did not know is that Edward was a vampire although he could not read Bella's mind for some reason. Edward Cullen is very pale and cold. Bella starts to fall in love with Edward and vice versa. They go through a terrible passage of life because all the Cullens are vampires. There is another main character which is Jacob, he is known as Bella's friend, what she doesn't know is that he is different, I won't tell you it is for you to find out. In the book there are some bad vampires who wanted to hunt Bella because her scent for a vampire is like a brand of their heroine and it is up to Edward to save his one and only love with a help from his (Edward) family.

In this book you will find some action, romance and fantasy but mostly its romance and you will be touched and trust me you would fall in love with this book because I did and most of my friends too or should I say all of them fell in love with the book. Twilight is mostly targeted to teenagers but everyone can read it.

The series or other books that are related are New moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Draeanne,
    You have written quite a lot about this story you quite obviously enjoyed reading these books. I am beginning to be convinced that I too should read the series.
    One small suggestion...please follow the guidelines from the Reading Journal handout and answer 1 or 2 of those questions to vary your responses to your reading. Also, please do the MLA bibliographic referencing for the books you read.=)
    Keep up the GREAT work.
    Mrs F
