Thursday, October 22, 2009


Guy de maupassant is the author of this book, the original title of this is called "La Parure". It was published in 1884 in France. The genre of this book is a short story. My rating for this book is 4 although its a short novel or story, the story is very interesting at the beginning its not much interesting at all but when you get to the middle, it gets interesting and very amusing.

The two vocabularies are "Blundered" which means " maka a serious mistake" and the other word was "Artisans" which means "strictly decorative".

The story is about Mr. Loisel and Madame Loisel. Her husband is trying to make her really happy and tried to convince her to go to a high society party, They were poor so they did not have much money and a gown or a dress for the ball, she needed to dress like a rich woman so she would not be embarrassed, so she went to her dear friend, madame Forestier, she is a rich woman and she cared about madame Loisel. Madame Loisel asked her of she could borrow a jewelry to wear for the ball and she a picked a really beautiful necklace covered with diamonds. After the ball she could not find the necklace of madame Forestier and the husband and wife was realyl worried and they did not know hot to pay her back.

I would not want to say anymore because I just gave to much information. It is a really interesting book and I would like you people to read this because it is very intereseting for a short story.

This book is mostly targeted for adults because they would mostly understand the words that are deep, although teenagers could also read it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

New moon

This book is written by Stephenie Myer. Newmoon is an International Best seller. It was published in 2006, New york. The genre of this book is romance, fantasy and action. I would give a perfect rating for this book because it is very enjoyable to read. It is one of my favorite books.

The two vocabularies are "Staggered" which means "to move or stand unsteadily", the other word is " Meadow" which means " a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay".

The book is about Bella, Edward and Jacob as I explained in the other book in my Journal. For Bella the most important person in her life is Edward. But being in love with him ( a vampire) is more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. After Bella getting chased by bad vampires, there are more problems coming to her. With their relationship there are more troubles and danger. Bella will experience a lot of pain as she go through and the troubles are just the beginning.

The book is targeted for teenagers. When you read the book it is like you are in that book watching them. What they feel is the same way as you feel. When Bella experience pain and agony it is like you feel the same and when she cries you also start to cry. It is like you are Bella for some reason, thats how I felt when I was reading the book and the majority of the people that I know also cried when they read the book and they were miserable for a week because Bella ( a character in the book) was miserable for months. I bet you will cry when you read this book because as you go through it, it has emotional scenes. The other books are Twilight, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.


Twilight is a best selling in New York. The author of this book is Stephenie Myer. It was published in 2005, New York. The genre of this book is a mixture of romance, fantasy and action. For this book my rating would be a 5 because it is very interesting and it is one of my favorites it has its own originality and somehow, the characters in the book are quite the same in the real world, excluding the vampires and half man half wolf.

The two vocabularies are "Sauntered" which means " a leisurely walk or stroll", the second word is "woozy" which means " dizzy".

Twilight is about a girl named Bella who met this man named Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen is known as the hottest guy in there school and his family is the most gorgeous people in town. What she did not know is that Edward was a vampire although he could not read Bella's mind for some reason. Edward Cullen is very pale and cold. Bella starts to fall in love with Edward and vice versa. They go through a terrible passage of life because all the Cullens are vampires. There is another main character which is Jacob, he is known as Bella's friend, what she doesn't know is that he is different, I won't tell you it is for you to find out. In the book there are some bad vampires who wanted to hunt Bella because her scent for a vampire is like a brand of their heroine and it is up to Edward to save his one and only love with a help from his (Edward) family.

In this book you will find some action, romance and fantasy but mostly its romance and you will be touched and trust me you would fall in love with this book because I did and most of my friends too or should I say all of them fell in love with the book. Twilight is mostly targeted to teenagers but everyone can read it.

The series or other books that are related are New moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Holes is written by Louis Sachar. It was published in america in 1998 in America. The genre of this book is fiction. In my opinion i think its 3 for the rating becaue the story is good.

The two vocabularies are "cot" which means a baby's bed or a baby's crib and the other word is "hover"which means a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting.

The book about a boy named Stanley who was in a the wrong place and the wrong time. Stanley was arrested but he was innocent, he was sent in camp green lake. It is a camp for bad boys and they try to make them good and respectful. That is all i know because I just read the first chapter and I would love to read more of it. I recommend this book to people because it is really interesting. It is for anybody but this book would attrat more teenagers because it is a life about kids and I would think that they would learn something.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pride & Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice is written by Jane Austen. It is the best book among all the other books that I have read .The book is well known all over the world and it is well written. It was published in 1813 and the original book is made in 1796-1797, this new book was published in Penguin Books, 1995 in England.

The two vocabularies are: "Indebted" which means: owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors. The second one is "Decorum" which means: manners and conduct.

The genre of this book is ' Romance'.

The book (Pride & Prejudice) is about Elizabeth falling in love with mr. Darcy and Jane falling inlove with mr. Bingley. At first mr. Darcy was a fool and a very arrogant person but when he met Elizabeth he fell in love with her. Both of them are really stubborn. Over all the five Bennet sisters wanted to get married except Elizabeth at first. I would not tell anymore information of the book, it is for you to find out!

This book was made into movies. The comparison between the movies and the book, is that, the book is really long and if the movie was well interprated from the book then it will take 5 hours to watch it. Pride & Prejudice has a perfect rating because when a person reads it, it will grab his/her attention and he/she wouldn't want to drop the book. The only bad reason for teenagers, is that, the words are too deep and it is really hard to understand but when you read it thoroughly then you will get the story and slowly you will understand the meaning of the words.

I'm recommending this book to everyone because this book is really interesting. Even though the words are slightly deep but you will get it in awhile if you continue reading it. If you want to read more of Jane Austen's books here are some novels: Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. "Lady Susan" and "The watsons" are the novels that were unfinished because she was very ill. The novel "Sandition" was also unfinished because as I said she was very ill and when she was working on it, she died, so those three novels were unfinished.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Language Incident In Hongkong

The incident that I had is when I was in Hongkong. It was morning and I wanted some fresh air so I went outside my house and had my orange juice. While I was drinking I heard shouting at the background and I turned around and there were about 5 people who were Chinese shouting in their language and I did not understand what they were saying so I just turned around and I realized that I was the only person that they were talking to because there were no people outside my neighbor’s houses. They were tourists from China and they were lost and of course I didn’t know how to speak Chinese because I’m not from Hongkong, I only lived there. I came up to them and asked what was wrong and they just started talking to me in Chinese and I didn’t understand any word that they were saying. After that I told something to them in Chinese which I don’t remember now because it was a long time ago and they shouted at me in a rude way and I started shouting at them as well cause people can’t just shout at you for any reason. When a women came she had an American accent and she looked Chinese, when she saw me quarrelling with the tourists she asked me what I said to them and I told her of course, after that she started laughing and I asked her why she was laughing but she was more focused on the tourists so I had to let go of my question. The lady was explaining something to them and the tourists just started laughing as well and they said sorry to me which was a very polite thing to do. When they were gone the lady told me that I said a swear word to those people and I felt bad but it went away when she told me that she explained to them that I was not Chinese and I wasn’t from Hongkong. I didn’t know that it was a swear word because a teenager told me that the word means hi in Chinese, so it is clearly not my fault or maybe it is but in my opinion, it was only an accident.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Reading Journal


The authors of this book are P.C CAST and KRISIN CAST. This book and the series are bestselling in New York, the authors are also bestselling authors. This book (Hunted) is the 5th book, the other books are Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, and Untaimed, the latest book is coming in October it is called "TEMPTED".

The series is published in New York March 2009 and the rating is 5 and it is high. The series is called "The House Of Night Novel".

I have read all the books of the House of Night series.

The series or books is about a human girl who was tracked by a vampire and they turn her into one of them.

When she knows that she is the special one in the house of night (school for vampires) or as I may say she is the chosen one among the vampires or fledgelings (young vampires or turning into vampires). It is up to her to save the world.

I recommend the people to read this series because it is a really good series and if you read the first chapter it will grab your attention and you would not want to drop the book. The series is fictional,sci fi, and mystery.